2018 in seven highlights
It is the time of reflection, the time of lists. What a sun-drenched year it was. And dry. This illustrated once again that drastic measures are needed to limit global warming to one and a half degrees. In order to achieve this, we need to protect the world’s forests and plant trees, underlined the IPCC. Face the Future provided a modest but significant contribution to this in 2018. Our highlights this year:
1. Forest planting in Uganda We planted more than 80,000 trees on 50 hectares in Kibale National Park, Uganda, particularly for Greenchoice. Not only does this contribute to the sequestration of CO2, but also has an impact on the restoration of the natural forests and biodiversity of Kibale. Moreover, the planting and maintenance of the young trees provides employment opportunities for the people living around the park. Forest with impact!
2. Sustainable agriculture In May, together with a group of 24 local smallholders, we started our agroforestry pilot project in the area around our forest restoration project in Kibale. In November, all 24 smallholders participated in a 4 day ‘sustainable agriculture’ training course at Kahangi Estate. After completion they received a certificate from Birakunde Dinah, a representative of the local government. We are proud of the accomplishments of these pioneering farmers! To deviate from common practise and start cultivating your land in a different way than your neighbour requires courage and perseverance.
3. New director in Ecuador In Ecuador, Xavier Elizalde was appointed as the new director of our subsidiary PROFAFOR in June. With Xavier, we have a dynamic and enterprising colleague with expertise in-house with the ambition to bring PROFAFOR a step further with our colleagues in Ecuador.
4. Forest planting Tanzania In Tanzania we worked for Greenchoice and gave advice and guidance to an ongoing forestation program. Face the Future guided the development of a strategic plan and the design of a cost-effective monitoring plan. After a training session, the program team now monitors the tree seedling distribution by the nurseries supported by the program.
5. Trees in chicken runs Face was also active in the Netherlands this year. In collaboration with Probos and the Louis Bolk Institute, we investigate how different agroforestry designs can be applied in the range area of free-range chicken farms. Think about, for example, the cultivation of nuts / fruit trees. The aim is to provide poultry farmers with insight into the possibilities for tree planting in a chicken range and the associated costs, benefits as well as the CO2 impact.
6. Food forest Droevendaal Within a former orchard at the Unifarm of Wageningen UR, a Food Forest is now starting to take shape. In this project, funded by Greenchoice, Face the Future is supporting the Agroecology chair group of WUR .
7. Cooperation Trees for All We started a collaboration with Trees For All to plant trees in our Kibale project. We have a long history together and are pleased with this renewed partnership!
On to a new year with many trees to plant!
Best wishes for 2019,
Martijn, Kars, Wouter